Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Hotels are under such pressure to keep up with expectations of guests that they are implementing new technologies to regain their edge. Leading hospitality properties are using technology products to differentiate themselves from their competition and thereby increase market share and improve revenue. Even smaller hotel brands are turning to technology products to equip their public spaces and guestrooms with the latest electronics. The Digital Door Viewer (DDV) is one such technology product that can be beneficial to both hotel guests and to hotel operations. The DDV is a functional and visible amenity that helps to differentiate the property. The following statement is an example of the thinking of many hoteliers. “What we’re trying to do is give people the chance to experience firsthand the latest in technology,” said Elon Kenchington, chief operating officer of the Gansevoort Hotel Group, explaining that choosing the right technology has become as critical as other elements of a hotel’s design. “It’s an integral part of not only the success of an operation, but also what makes one brand better than another or more interesting to travelers than other brands,” he said.

 The need to accept innovative technologies to maintain market leadership positions is globally recognized in the hospitality industry. David Teklit, IT Group Manager for Jumeirah Hotels in Dubai, UAE makes this observation: "To create the 'wow' effect and to excite customers, you have to be ahead of the curve, which means delivering the technologies they don't yet have in their homes." The DDV is one of these technologies. Differentiating a hotel property means to create something that is perceived industry wide as unique. Design, brand identity, image, technology, amenities, and customer service all present opportunities for hotel companies to distinguish themselves from the rest. For increased protection, most companies strive to be different on every level. The goal remains the same, to gain customers' loyalty and the resulting lower price-sensitivity. The decision to equip guestrooms with Digital Door Viewers is the result of a commitment of the hotel to differentiate itself in their market.

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