Amerongen, C. V. The Way Things Work, Simon and Schuster: New York (1967).
Arons, A. B. A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching, John Wiley & Sons: New York (1990).
Blasi, R.C., Ed. Physics Fun and Demonstrations with Professor Julius Sumner Miller, Central Scientific Company: Franklin Park, Illinois (1974).
Bolton, W. Physics Experiments and Projects, Pergamon Press: Oxford (1968).
Brown, T. B., Ed. Advanced Undergraduate Experiments in Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: Reading, Massachusetts (1959).
Bulman, A. D. Model-Making for Physicists, Crowell Company: New York (1964).
Bulman, A. D. Models for Experiments in Physics, Crowell Company: New York (1966).
Cherrier, F. Fascinating Experiments in Physics, Sterling Publishing Company: New York (1978).
Edge, R. D. String and Sticky Tape Experiments, American Association of Physics Teachers: College Park, Maryland (1981).
Ehrlich, R. Turning the World Inside Out, Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey (1990).
Esler, W. K. Modern Physics Experiments for the High School, Parker Publishing Company: West Nyack, New York (1970).
Freier, G. D., and F. J. Anderson. A Demonstration Handbook forPhysics, 2d ed., American Association of Physics Teachers: Stony Brook, New York (1981).
Greenberg, L. H. Discovery in Physics, Saunders: Philadelphia (1968).
Herbert, D. Mr. Wizard's Supermarket Science, Random House: New York (1980).
Herbert, D., and H. Ruchlis. Mr. Wizard's 400 Experiments inScience, Revised Edition, Booklab: North Bergen, New Jersey (1983).
Arons, A. B. A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching, John Wiley & Sons: New York (1990).
Blasi, R.C., Ed. Physics Fun and Demonstrations with Professor Julius Sumner Miller, Central Scientific Company: Franklin Park, Illinois (1974).
Brown, T. B., Ed. Advanced Undergraduate Experiments in Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: Reading, Massachusetts (1959).
Bulman, A. D. Model-Making for Physicists, Crowell Company: New York (1964).
Bulman, A. D. Models for Experiments in Physics, Crowell Company: New York (1966).
Cherrier, F. Fascinating Experiments in Physics, Sterling Publishing Company: New York (1978).
Edge, R. D. String and Sticky Tape Experiments, American Association of Physics Teachers: College Park, Maryland (1981).
Ehrlich, R. Turning the World Inside Out, Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey (1990).
Freier, G. D., and F. J. Anderson. A Demonstration Handbook forPhysics, 2d ed., American Association of Physics Teachers: Stony Brook, New York (1981).
Greenberg, L. H. Discovery in Physics, Saunders: Philadelphia (1968).
Herbert, D. Mr. Wizard's Supermarket Science, Random House: New York (1980).
Herbert, D., and H. Ruchlis. Mr. Wizard's 400 Experiments inScience, Revised Edition, Booklab: North Bergen, New Jersey (1983).
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